luni, 10 februarie 2014

Bancurile de luni dimineata part XVIII/Monday morning jokes part XVIII

Atentie postare in limba romana si engleza
Warning, post in romanian and english

Doua blonde stau de vorba:
- Stii, ieri mi-am facut testul de sarcina!
Cealalta, foarte curioasa, i se adreseaza:
- Si au fost grele intrebarile?

- Cat costa rochia aceea albastra?
- 100 de lei, doamna!
- Vai! Dar cea rosie?
- Vai, vai, vai!

- Mama! Am omorat cinci muste dintr-o singura lovitura! povesteste Bula. Doua erau masculi si trei femele.
- Cum ti-ai dat seama de acest lucru?
- Pai doua erau pe masa si trei pe oglinda.

Pe o alee intre blocuri, intr-un cartier, o doamna striga :
- Madam Popescu ! La un geam isi face aparitia o doamna.
- Da, draga, ce vrei ?
- Madam Popescu, sotul meu este cumva la dumneata ?
- Nu, draga !
- Madam Ionescu ! striga atunci tipa. Isi face aparitia o alta doamna.
- Ce-i draga ?
- Sotul meu este cumva la dumneata ?
- Nu, draga ! Dar ce s-a intamplat ?
- Pai, ne-am certat un pic si a plecat furios. Am fugit dupa el si cand l-am intrebat unde se duce, a raspuns: "La curve!"

Academia de politie. Examen final. Proba de fizica. Intrebare unica: "Ce este mai mare, viteza luminii sau viteza sunetului? Argumentati".
Primul politist:
- A sunetului.
- Fals, dar argumentati!
- Pai daca dau drumul la televizor, mai intii se aude ceva si-apoi se vede!
Al doilea politist:
- A luminii.
- Corect. Argumentati.
- Daca dau drumul la radio, mai intii se aprinde beculetul si apoi s-aude.
Al treilea politist, geniul grupei, tinara speranta a politiei romane:
- A luminii.
- Corect, argumentati.
- Furtuna!
- Excelent... ziceti!
- Tunet, fulger... intii vad fulgerul, apoi aud tunetul!
- Excelent, argumentati!
- Pai, permiteti sa raportez: ochii e mai in fata decit urechile!

- Unde lucrezi dumneata? intreaba politistul.
- Nicaieri. Sint somer.
- Si dumneata?
- Eu sint adjunctul dumnealui.

La scoala, invatatoarea le explica copiilor fenomenul deosebit ce va avea loc la prinz:
- Copii, astazi la ora 14 va avea loc o eclipsa de soare. Sa urmariti fenomenul cu atentie... Curios, Bula din ultima banca: - Pe ce canal?

Doi soti se opresc in statia de taxiuri. Sotul il intreaba pe soferul de taxi :
- Pana in centru , la Universitate , cat m-ar costa ?
- 15 RON ! - Si daca o luam si pe nevasta mea cu noi , atunci cat m-ar costa ?
- Tot atat ! La care barbatul, uitandu-se la nevasta sa , cu o umbra de dispret :
- Vezi ? Ti-am spus mereu ca nu valorezi nimic !

Intr-o noapte, la spital, o asistenta blonda il scoala pe pacientul care dormea un somn adanc si ii spune:
-Treziti-va, am uitat sa va dau somniferul!

- Bula, de ce nu scrii?
- Eu nu are creion, doamna.
- Nu e corect sa spui "eu nu are creion". Fii atent, se pronunta astfel: "eu nu am creion, tu nu ai creion, el nu are creion, noi nu avem creioane..."
- Dar cine dracu' a sutit toate creioanele?

Sotul pe patul de moarte:
- Iubito, trebuie sa stii ceva.
- Ce, draga?
- Te-am inselat cu fata de la magazinul de bijuterii.
- Stiu, iubitule, de-aia te-am otravit.

La un bar, discuta doua blonde trecute de prima tinerete:
- Vezi pe cei doi barbati de acolo? Ei bine, cel din dreapta este sotul meu, cel din stanga este amantul meu.
- Ce ciudat... La mine este exact invers!

Doi politisti merg pe strada si la un moment dat unul dintre ei observa o cascheta pe jos.
- Ia uite, mai, cascheta lui Popescu! La care celalalt:
- Esti prost, n-ai auzit ca si-a pierdut-o?

Un preot explica la ora de religie:
- Dumnezeu l-a creat pe Adam, iar cu o coasta din Adam a creat-o pe Eva.
- Parinte, zice Bulisor, dar tata spune ca ne tragem din maimute.
- Auzi, zice preotul plictisit, cazul familiei tale nu ma intereseaza. Eu vorbeam in general.

Sotia: Iubitule... Ce faci?
Sotul: Nimic.
Sotia: Nimic? Pai de-o ora tot studiezi certificatul nostru de casatorie.
Sotul: Cautam data expirarii

Doua blonde cautau prin padure un brad de Craciun.
Dupa o zi intreaga de stat in frig, una dintre ele ii spune celeilalte:
- Auzi, n-ar fi mai bine sa luam unul asa, fara globuri?

Bula lipseste trei zile de la scoala si cand vine, invatatoarea il intreaba:
- Bula,de ce ai lipsit?
- Pai, a murit bunica, a calcat-o tractorul pe deget.
- Dar, Bula, din asta nu se moare.
- Stiu, dar il avea in nas.
Bula mai lipseste trei zile.
-Bula, de ce ai lipsit iar? il intreaba invatatoarea.
- A murit mama, a calcat-o tractorul.
Bula mai lipseste trei zile.
- Bula, de ce ai lipsit?
- Acum a murit tata, l-a calcat tractorul
- Dar, tu Bula, ce faceai in timpul asta?
- Ma plimbam cu tractorul.

Intr-un club de club de noapte un tip invita o domnisoara la dans iar cand dansul s-a terminat, a sarutat-o patimas. Tipa a fugit imediat la masa, si-a scos telefonul din geanta si a inceput sa tasteze ceva foarte rapid. Tipul, surprins, o intreaba:
- Ce s-a intamplat? Ceva urgent?
- Nu, nu, stai linistit. Imi schimb statusul pe facebook.

Un barbat spala vasele. Fiul sau se apropie si-l intreaba:
- Taticule, ce este acela un „bigam”?
- Pai, dragul meu, este un idiot care spala de doua ori mai multe vase decat mine.

Ora 23.57. Intr-o intersectie se intalnesc doi politisti. Unul din ei aprinde o tigara, trage din ea si tace. Al doilea dupa un timp de tacere spune catre primul:
– Ba! Tu stii care este capitala Angliei?
– Da! Paris. De ce?
– Credeam ca nu stii!

- Bula, de ce plingi? intreaba mama lui.
- Pentru ca vecinul nu se joaca decat cu tine!

O doamna intra la farmacie si ii cere farmacistului arsenic. Farmacistul intreaba:
- Doamna, la ce va trebuie arsenicul?
- Pentru ca sa-l omor pe sotul meu!
- Doamna, nu pot sa va vand arsenic pentru acest motiv, imi pare rau, spune farmacistul. Atunci doamna scotoceste in poseta si scoate o fotografie cu sotul ei care facea dragoste cu sotia farmacistului. Acesta se uita la fotografie si spune:
- Ah, scuzati-ma, n-am stiut ca aveti reteta.

Un barbat suna la pompieri si zice speriat:
- Domnule, soacra mea vrea sa se arunce de la etaj!!
- Si care e problema?
- Nu se deschide fereastra!

Doi politisti discuta:
- De ce iti pui copilul sa doarma pe dulap?
- Data trecuta a cazut din pat si n-am auzit.

La teatru, unde se joaca o piesa politista, o spectatoare sare in sus, strigind:
- Unde este ucigasul? La care o voce din spatele ei ii da replica:
- In spatele dumitale, daca nu te asezi imediat!


Two blondes are talking :
- Yesterday I took a pregnancy test !
The other , very curious and addresses :
- And And the questions were hard?

- How much is that blue dress  ?
- 100 euro , lady !
- Auch! The red one?
- Auch!!Auch!!Auch!!!!

- Mom! I killed five flies in one shot ! says John . Two were males and three females .
- How do you figure this?
- Well two were on the table and three on the mirror .

In an alley between buildings , in a neighborhood , a lady is crying
- Madam Smith ! A window is opening and lady appear.
- Yes , dear , what do you want?
- Madam Smith, my husband is with you?
- No, darling !
- Madam Black ! scream then the same lady again . Another lady made an appearance .
- What is it dear ?
- My husband is with you?
- No, darling ! But what happened ?
- Well, we argued a bit and went mad. I ran after him and when I asked him where he was going , replied, " To the whores ! "

Police Academy . Final exam . Physical class - single question : " Witch speed is bigger, the speed of light or the speed of sound ? Explain " .
First cop :
- The speed of sound.
- False, but let s hear the explication !
- Well if I turn on the TV , I first hear the sound and after that the immage!
The second officer :
- The speed of  light.
- Right. Explain.
- When you turn on the radio, at first the indicator light comes turns green and then I heard the sound .
The third officer , group genius:
- The speed of light.
- Right, explaint.
- Storm !
- Excellent ... continue !
- Thunder , Lightning ... first you see the lightning and then you hear the thunder !
- Excellent , explain !
- Well , eyes are before the ears  !

- Where are you working ? asks the cop .
- Nowhere. I am unemployed .
- And you?
- I am a gentleman assistant .

At school , the teacher explained to them the solar eclipse that will take place at lunch :
- Children , today at 14 will be a solar eclipse . This rare phenomenon has to be watch carefully ... Curiously, John, in the last bank asks :
- On what channel ?

The husbant stops a taxi on the road .He asks the taxi driver :
- From here to downtown at the university , how much would it cost ?
- 15 Euro ! - And if we take my wife with us then how much would it cost
- The same! At this point the man looks at his wife with a shade of contempt :
- See ? I've always said that are not worth anything!

One night at the hospital , a blonde nurse woke up a patient deep sleeping and says :
- Wake up , I forgot to give you your sleeping pill !

- John , why are you not writing ?
- Me don t  have any pencil , ma'am.
- It's not right to say " I do not have pencil " . Be careful, the corect form is " I do not have a pencil,  you do not have a pencil, they don t have a pencil."
- But who the hell stoled  all the pencils ?

Husband on his deathbed :
- Baby , you should know something.
- What, dear ?
- I cheated with the girl at the jewelry store .
- I know, dear , that's why I poisoned you .

At one bar, two blondes well past over their first youth talk:
- See those two men there? Well, at the right is my husband , and on the left is my lover .
- How strange ... To me it is exactly the opposite !

Two policemen walk down the street and at one point one of them notice a helmet on the ground.
- Look , John, Smith's helmet ! On the other:
- How could you be so stupid, didn t you hear that he lost it?

A priest explains at religion :
- God created Adam and from  a coast of Adam created Eve .
- Father , says John , but my dad says that we evolved from apes .
- Listen, says priest bored, I don t care about your family, I was talking in general.

Wife: Honey ... What are you doing ?
Husband: Nothing.
Wife: Nothing? Well for the last hour you study our marriage certificate.
Husband: I am looking for the expiration date!!

Two blondes were looking in a forest  for a Christmas tree .
After a full day, tired and cold , one of them says to the other :
- Hey , I think we should take one with out the decoration ?

John is missing three days of school and when comes the teacher asks :
- John why did  you missed school?
- Well, my grandma died , a tractor run over her finger.
- But, John , you can t die from something like this .
- I know, but her finger was in the nose.
Few days later John is missing again three days.
- John , why did  you missed school this time? asks the teacher .
- My mothe died she was crashed by the tractor.
Few days later John is missing again three days
- John why did  you missed school this time? asks the teacher
- Now my dad died, a tractor hit him.
- But, John , what were you doing in that time ?
- I was driving the tractor .

In a club nightclub one guy invites a girl to dance and when the dance was over, he kissed her passionately . The girl immediately ran to the table, he pulled the phone out of the bag and began to type something quickly. The guy , surprised, asks :
- What happened ? Something urgent?
- No, no, do not worry . I change my status on Facebook .

A man washes the dishes. Son approaches him and asks:
- Daddy, what is a " bigamist " ?
- Well, my dear , is an idiot who is washing twice more dishes than me.

Time 23.57 . In an intersection two policemen meet . One of them lights a cigarette , pull out of it and shut up . After a time of silence the first says :
- Do you know which is the capital of England?
- Yes ! Paris. Why?
- I though you didn t know !

- Bula , why are you weeping ? asks his mother.
- Because the neighbor is not playing than you!

A lady entering the pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for arsenic. The pharmacist asks:
- Madam, what do you need arsenic for ?
- Because I want to kill my husband !
- Lady , I can not sell you arsenic for this reason , I'm sorry , says pharmacist . The lady pull out a photo from her bag in witch her husband was making love to pharmacist wife and show s it to him He looked at the photo and says:
- Ah , excuse me , I didn t know that you have a prescription.

A man calls the fire department and says scared :
- Sir, my mother wants to jump from her flatt located at the 12 floor !
- And what's the problem ?
- The window is not oppening !

Two policemen talks :
- Why did you  put your baby to sleep on the closet?
- Last time he fell out of bed and I did n heard him.

At the theater, actors plays a mistery play. At one moment a spectator jumps up , shouting :
- Where is the killer ? A voice behind him says :
- Right behind you, if you don t sit down right now !

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