miercuri, 30 octombrie 2013

Retroparada Toamnei 2013

Atentie postare in romana, engleza si franceza
Warning, post in romania, english and french
Attention, post in roumain, anglais et francaise

Pe 19.10.2013 Retromobil Club Romania a organizat Retroparada Toamnei, ultimul eveniment din calendarul de activitati pe anul in curs. Aceast eveniment a fost prilejul de intilnirea a colectionarilor si pasionatilor de automobile vechi din Bucuresti, unde au fost prezente 98 de exemplare unele mai frumoase decit altele.
Cea mai veche masina a fost un Ford A Roadster din 1928 aflat intr-o conditie excelenta.

Vremea a fost excelenta şi evenimentul a inceput la intrarea in Parcul Carol pe la ora 10.00 si la ora 12.00 s-a format o frumoasa coloana pâna la Romaero Baneasa unde am intrat la Salonul Auto Bucuresti pentru a aduce o nota de eleganta cu masinile noastre la plasticele moderne existente acolo.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxQPafWeD40

 Am vizitat si standurile restauratorilor de masini unde am vazut citeva exemplare care mi-au atras atentia, dupa cum se vede in poze.

Avind in vedere ca aceste eveniment a fost ultima intilnire din anul acesta, abia anul viitor o sa mai am ocazia sa vad pe viu asemenea frumuseti. Acestea fiind zise va las sa admirati o parte din aceste bijuterii.



On 19/10/2013 Retromobil Club Romania organized Retroparada Toamnei, the last event in the calendar of activities for the current year . This event was the occasion of the meeting of collectors and enthusiasts of old cars in Bucharest, where 98 cars were present some more beautiful than others.
The oldest car was a 1928 Ford A Roadster found in excellent condition.

The wheter was excellent and event started at Carol Park entrance at 10.00 and 12.00 has formed a beautiful column until we arrived we our cars at Romaero Baneasa, where was held the Bucharest Auto Show to bring a touch of elegance with our cars to modern plastics presented there.
 I visited car restorers stands where I saw a few cars that drawn my attention, as seen in pictures .

Given that this event was the last meeting of this year, until next year I wount  have the chance to see them live . That all for now and I will leave you to admire some of these jewels .

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