Atentie postare in romana si engleza
Warning, post in romanian and english
Incepind de ieri a venit iarna si in Romania, asa
cum anticipam a picat intr-o zi de marti – 3 ceasuri rele. Pina acum nu au fost
probleme majore, dar ca de obicei multa lume este luata pe nepregatite, chiar
daca sunt anuntati mai dinainte.
ceea ce ma priveste, iubesc iarna, o astept de cind s-a topit zapada anterioara
si ii simt lipsa imediat ce se topeste. Imi place stratul de nea alba care
acopera totul si face ca orice lucru urit, deprimant, dezolant sa arate
impecabil. Copilul
din mine zâmbeşte bucuros...apoi ridică braţele de parcă ar vrea să îmbrăţişeze
tot cerul... Îmi privesc palmele si fulgii de zapada, ce au mai rămas din ei,
un strop, si doar bucuria momentului imi umple inima pana la refuz. Iubesc senzatia pe care o
am cind merg prin zapada si aud sub pasi scartiitul de omat proaspat. Iubesc
frigul si senzatia aceea de racoare pe care mi-o da vintul/crivatul care bate
cu putere in ziua cind ninge.
place sa merg pe munte dupa ninsoare cind totul este imaculat si urmez o
poteca, facuta de altcineva, si pe linga ea mai vad si cite o urma de animal
salbatic. Imi place cind ajung in virf si sa cred ca sunt pe varful lumii si
totul in jurul meu este undeva departe, si tot ceea ce este rau si m-a
dezamagit in aceasta lume este undeva departe de unde nu ma poate atinge.
e destul, vreau sa fie o iarna permanenta sa nu mai vad nimic in jurul meu
decit o imensitate alba si atit.Asta e tot. Va las cu citeva poze.
ca v-a placul blogul meu, si o sa mai aveti rabdarea sa il urmariti, dar cred
ca pentru o perioada nu o sa mai postez asa de des, nu mai am dispozitia pentru
a ma ocupa de el.
Since yesterday, winter has
arrived in Romania, also as we anticipate he come out on a Tuesday - three bad
hours . Until now there haven t been any major problems, but as usual a lot of
people were taken by surprise, even if they were well informed before.
As for me, I love winter, I
expect it since the snow is melted at the beginning of the spring and I miss it
as soon as it melts. I like the layer of white snow covering everything that is
ugly, depressing, desolate and makes it look flawless . The child in me smiles
of joy... I raise my arms as I want to embrace the whole sky ... I watch
snowflakes falling on my palms, or what is left of them, a small drip of icy
cold watter, and the joy of the moment fills my heart for a brief moment. I
love the feeling I have when I walk through the snow and hear below my steps the squeak of fresh snow. I
love the cold I am that feeling of coolness gived to me by the wind, blowing
strongly in the day when it snows.
I love going to the mountains
after snow when everything is spotless and follow a trail made by someone else, and see near it reading a wild animal . I love when I get to
the top and I think I'm on top of the world and everything around me is far
away, and all that is bad and disappointed me in this world is far away somewhere
were it can t touch me.
Enough is enough, I want to live
in a permanent winter not to see anything around me, but a white ocean. This is
it and I will leave you with some pictures
Hope you like my blog, and I still
have the patience to watch it, but I think for a while there I will not post so
often , I'm not in the very good mood to take care of him.Hope this will pass
Good - bye