vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

Masini vechi/Old cars

Masini vechi si frumoase

Atentie, postare in limba romana si engleza

Warning, post in romanian and english

           De cind ma stiu mi-au placut lucrurile un pic mai vechi cu un aer de istorie. In lumina acestei afirmatii astazi o sa incerc sa va supun atentiei un subiect tare drag mie: masinile vechi.
          Fie ca sunt pastrate in stare in care au iesit din fabrica, sau restaurate sau au fost exploatate fara mila, nu se poate sa treaca cite o masina veche pe linga mine pe strada, fara sa-mi ataraga atentia precum un far pe o mare agitata de furtuna. Am vazut multe asemenea exemplare pe viu si nu pot sa nu ma opresc sa le admir de fiecare data cind am ocazia. Ele poarta cu ele parfumul unor vremuri demult apuse, vremuri care au avut problemele lor dar si o frumusete aparte. Asa ca fie ca vad o masina din anii 40, 50 sau 60 toate au ceva frumos in ele, ceva ce sa te atraga. Nu mai spun despre masinile de la inceputul secolului trecut, perioada de pionerat a fabricantilor auto,frumusetea unora dintre ele este aproape imposibil de descris in cuvinte.
          Forma acestora pastreaza influentele mediului inconjurator, astfel avem de la masini micute , aproape putem spune despre ele ca sunt niste jucarii, proiectate pentru deplasarea prin marile orase pina la masini aproape imense facute special parca pentru a face ocolul lumii la bordul lor. De asemenea avem masini in 2 usi – sport si masini de familie, cuminti traditionale, dar care prin forma lor reusesc si astazi sa capteze priviri pe strada. Nu vreau sa intru in discutii despre motoare, dar si acestea au evoluat cu trecerea anilor.
          Gata, am terminat, va las in compania pozele, ele fac cit 1000 de cuvinte. Vizionare placuta.


Ever since I can remember I have liked things that are a little old with an air of history. In light of this statement today I will try to bring to your attention a topic dear to me : old cars .
Whether they are kept in the condition they were when they left the factory , or restored or were mercilessly exploited it is almost impossibile for an old car that pass by on the street, not to drawn my attention like a lighthouse on a rough sea the storm. I have seen many live of them and can not help myself stop and admire one every time I have the opportunity. They carry with them the sense of times long gone, time with their problems but also beautiful ones. So either I see a car made in the 40 , 50 and 60 they all have something beautiful in them, something that attracts your attention. I woun t say a thing about the cars built at the dawn of the last century, theiy beauty is almost impossible to describe in words.
Their body shape keeps up with the period influences, so some of the cars are very tiny, almost can say about them that they're toys, proiected to be used mostly in the big cities, but some of them, are huge machines made ​​especially to go around the world on board. We also have 2 door sports cars – or family cars, traditional, but their form today fail to capture the looks on the street. I do not want to get into discussions about engines, but they have evolved over the years.
That s it, I am done for today. I will leave you with some photos, hope you like it.
Good day. 

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