miercuri, 11 decembrie 2013



Atentie postare in limba romana si engleza

Warning post in romanian and english

Scurta descriere a elementului:FEMEIA

Elementul chimic: FEMEIA
Descoperitor: Adam
Masa atomica: acceptat 53.6 kg, dar variind intre 40 si 200kg.Se gaseste in cantitati mari in toate zonele urbane.
Proprietati fizice: Fierbe sau ingheata fara motive aparente.Se topeste daca este tratat special.Amar,daca nu este folosit cum trebuie.  
Suprafata este de obicei pictata cu farduri, rujuri, si alte tipuri de vopsele. Variaza de la materiale virgine (rare) la materiale comune.
Proprietati chimice: Afinitate deosebita pentru aur,argint si alte pietre pretioase.Absoarbe cantitati mari de substante scumpe. Poate exploda spontan fara nici un motiv aparent.Cel mai puternic agent de volatilizare a banilor cunoscut de catre barbat.
Utilitate practica: Foarte ornamental, in special in masini sport.Foarte eficient agent de curatare.
Teste: Specimenul pur se inroseste cand este descoperit in starea lui originala.Se inverzeste cand este pus langa un specimen superior pentru test.
Pericole: Foarte periculos in maini neavizate.
Ilegala posesie a mai multe de unul,desi mai multe pot fi detinute in locatii separate daca specimenele nu intra in contact direct unele cu altele.

          Chiar daca am inceput postarea de astazi cu o gluma, va asigur ca sunt cit se poate de serios, si asa cum probabil intiuiti subiectul de azi il reprezinta femeia, in toata “splendoarea ” ei. Acum sa ne intelegem un lucru, nu am pretentia ca am descoperit apa calda sau ceea ce mii de barbati din intreaga lume cauta sa inteleaga de milenii si nu le iese. Departe de mine acest gind. Prin aceste rinduri o sa fiu cit se poate de misogin cu putinta, in limitele educatiei si felului meu de a fi.
          Am pierdut destul timp cu introducerea, asa ca sa trec la obiect. Si eu ca si multi altii ca mine nascuti in secolul trecut am invatat, sau am fost invatati, sa respectam si sa apreciem femeia, sa-I intelegem doleantele/cererile si de fiecare data cind auzeam ca un exemplar biped al speciei humane ca folosea violenta la adresa unei femei ne scandalizam, il blamam public pentru lipsa barbatie de care dadea dovada si de incapacitatea de a rezolva problemele ivite in “cuplu” pe calea diplomatiei/vorbelor normale si renunta la violenta – ultimul refugiu al incompetentei.
          Intre timp anii au trecut, vre-o 20+/- la numar, si, dupa ce am inceput sa am de-a face la modul concret cu tot felul de exemplare feminine, am inceput sa-mi schimb optica, si nu in bine. In acesti ani am avut de-a face cu femei care se credeau centrul universului, se credeau varianta feminine a lui Einstein, dar in fapt nu stiau nimic, ajungind in posturile pe care le ocupa in virtutea tipului care le trecea prin pat sau pentru ca trebuiau si ele sa aiba o ocupatie si sponsorul le mai punea niste bani la dispozitie pentru un “bussines”. De asemenea am intilnit si varianta familista, femeia din relatie care sta cu cineva de dragul de a sta cu el. Nu ii place de el, nu tine la el, ba l-ar arunca bucuroasa in groapa cu lei, dar ea este o “sfanta” si le condamna pe cele care au puterea sa-si ia viata in propriile miini.
          Am intilnit si tipul de femeie iremediabil atrase de genul de barbat violent, sau cu tendinte abuzive, dar care se pling mereu ca nu au noroc in dragoste de un baiat de treaba, si dau numai peste jigodii. Dar ce omit sa spuna ca i-au trimis la plimbare pe toti tipii de treaba care le-au facut curte pentru nu stiu ce motive inventate.
          O alta tipologie este tipa singura, vesnic singura, pe linga care trece viata, care isi alege tinte de la sute/mii kilometrii distanta, dar ce sa vezi distractie ca ala este acolo, ea este aici, si timpul trece si nu se intimpla nimic. Tipa isi da seama ca a fost dusa cu vorba, dar este prea mindra, vanitoasa sa recunoasca, sau sa vada ca in imediata apropiere exista cineva, care poate ca nu lasa impresia ca e la fel de bun ca “Ulyse” dar are o serie de calitati si cel mai important, este present. Dar nu-I asa ca nu conteaza?inventam scuze pentru a-l respinge.
          In alta ordine dragele mele, puteti sa va suparati pe mine cit vreti, dar:
-         daca vre-un baiat va arunca vorbe urite sau va ia la misto, o meritati. De ce? Ginditi-va de citi baieti v-ati batut voi joc si pe urma sa vorbiti;
-         daca vre-un tip va duce cu vorba, va amageste, nu-I problema, o meritati si pe asta, doar ginditi-va la cei peste care a-ti trecut si i-ati lasat cu ochii in soare;
-         daca sunteti in relatie cu un barbat care isi bate joc de voi, o meritati pentru ca a fost doar alegerea voastra si nu v-a obligat nimeni sa ramineti in aceasta relatie;
Asta este tot pentru acum, aaa si daca va ginditi sa comentati, tine-ti minte ca astazi este ziua mea, asa ca am voie sa zic fix ce vreau eu.
Seara frumoasa si noapte buna.!!


Short description of the item : Female

Chemical element : Female

Discoverer : Adam
Atomic Mass: 53.6 kg accepted , but ranging between 40 and 200kg.
Found in large quantities in all urban areas .
Physical : Boil or freezes without apparently reason.
Melts if treated special. Bitter if not used properly . The surface is usually painted with makeup , lipsticks , and other types of paints. Ranging from virgin materials ( rare ) to common materials .
Chemical Properties : great affinity for gold, silver and other gems. Suks large amounts of expensive substances. She can spontaneously explode without apparently reason. The strongest money reducing agent known to man .
Practical use: very ornamental , especially in sports cars. Also a very effective cleaning agent .
Tests: Pure specimen turns red when it is found in his original state. Turns green when is placed next to a superior specimen for testing.
Threats : Very dangerous in unskilled hands .
Possession of more than one is illegal, although several can be held in separate locations if the specimens do not come into direct contact with each other .

Even if I started today posting with a joke, I assure you all that I am very seriously, and as you probably guess topic today is the woman in the whole " beauty " of it. Now, let s get one thing straight , I am not claiming that I discovered hot water or what thousands of men around the world seek to understand for a long time . Far from me this thought . Through these lines I wanna be  as misogynist as possible, within education and my way of being allows me.
I've wasted enough time with the introduction , so let's get to the point. Me, like many others like me born in the last century we have learned , or have been taught , to respect and appreciate the woman to understand her wishes / demands. Every time I heard that a male uses violence against  a woman, I was blaming him for the lack of manhood and the inability to solve problems on the path of diplomacy / normal words and renounce violence - the last refuge of the incompetent .
In the meantime years passed, about 20 + / - in number, and after I started dealing concretely with all sorts of female specimens , I started to change my optics, and not well . In these years I have had to do with women who believed they were the center of the universe , the feminine version of Einstein's thought , but in fact they knew nothing, reaching the positions they occupy in virtue of which male passed through their bed,  or because they have to have an occupation and sponsor them put up some money for the woman to runs her own "business " . I also met and alternative family man woman relationship that stays with someone for the sake of staying with him. She hate s him, she doesen t care s for  him , he would gladelly throw him in the lions' den , but she is a " saint " and condemn those who have the power to take their lives into their own hands.
I also met and the type of woman hopelessly attracted to that kind of man, violent or with abusive tendencies, but always complain they do not have luck in love for a good guy , and only meets assholes . But why do they  fail to say that they have sent away all the guys that they have courted them for some made ​​up reason.
Another type is the lone girl, always alone, that life passes by who  chooses targets from hundreds / thousands miles away, but what is happening, that guy is out there having fun, she is down here, waiting and  time passes and nothing happens. The female realizes that she was fooled, but is too proud, vain to recognize , or to see that there is someone nearby her who maybe can t give the impression that it's not as good as " Ulysses " but has a number qualities and most important, is beside her. But does it  matter? No, she invents excuses to reject him.
In other news my dear , you can get mad at me all you want , but :
- If any boy will talk ugly to you, you deserve it. Why? Think of all the guys you've mock, then you can  speak ;
- If a guy takes you for a fool, deceive s you   well no problem , you deserve it and just think of those who liked you and you left them high and dry ;
- If you are in relationship with a man who mocks you, you deserve it because is just your choice to remains in that relationship, no one forced you  to remain in it.

That's all for now, aaah and if you intend to comment, keep in mind that today is my birthday, so I'm allowed to say just what ever I want.
Have a nice evening and good night.!!

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