Gdansk - destinatie de vacanta
Danzig - holiday destination
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In august 2012 cind m-am intors din Suedia m-am
gindit sa ma opresc pentru o jumatate de zi si in Polonia, la Gdansk. Gindul
l-am avut pentru ca trecerea de la civilizatia din nord la plaiurile noarte
mioritice sa nu fie chiar asa de brusc. Ulterior la momentul ajungerii in oras
am constat ca ideea a fost una destul de buna.
pic de istorie nu strica asa ca: Gdańsk
este un municipiu în partea de nord a Poloniei,
reședința voievodatului Pomerania și unul dintre cele mai mari porturi ale țării. Face parte din zona urbană Gdańsk și din Trioraș. Din punct de vedere
etnografic, este considerat ca o capitală a Cașubiei. Orașul se află pe lânga coastei sudice a Golfului Gdańsk, o parte a
Mării Baltice,
la estuarele fluviului Vistula și
ale râurilor din delta
ei, Motława și Leniwka și formează o conurbație cu municipiile Sopot și Gdynia și
cu comunele suburbane, Prima atesteare istorica dateaza din anul 997 Municipiul este cunoscut datorită nașterii mișcari politice „Solidaritatea”,
care sub conducerea unuia dintre locuitorii orașului, Lech Wałęsa,
a fost una dintre cauzele căderii comunismului în Europa
Centrală și
de Est
în 1989..
cu partea de istorie sa trecem la lucruri mai importante. Am ajuns la Gdansk in
jur de ora 13.00 cind ferry-boat-ul a acostat in port. Am avut parte de o zi
foarte frumoasa pina la acel moment. Cazarea am rezolvat-o relativ repede,
deoarece la plecarea din Stockholm mi-am stabilit pe GPS citeva adresa de
pensiuni in care as fi putut sa intoptez. La prima pensiune nu prea am avut
noroc, pentru ca nu a binevoit nimeni sa fie la receptie, dar la a doua a mers
la fix. Am primit apartamentul la pret de camera dubla normala.Singura problema
era ca broasca de la usa mergea un pic mai greu, acesta fiind si motivul
reducerii de pret.
ce m-am instalat si am mincat ceva am luat-o la pas prin centru istoric al
orasului. Pot spune ca ceea ce am vazut mi-a placut. Un orasel mic, cochet care
isi pastreaza istoria la loc de mare cinste si din care comunismul nu a facut
prea multe pagube. In primul rind am ramas placut impresionat de curatenia de
pe strazi, chiar daca am nimerit in plina sarbatoare a orasului strazile erau
lipsite de uzuazele chistoace de tigari, ambalaje de plastic si alte asemenea.
alt lucru care mi-a placut a fost faptul ca polonezii au pastrat arhitectura
centrului vechi si mai mult decit atit au restaurat majoritatea cladirilor
aducindu-le intr-o stare aproape de cea in care erau cind au fost construite.
Multumita acestui lucru orasul pare ca a calatorit prin istorie din perioada
lui de glorie din timpul Ligii Hanseatice pina in prezent pentru a ne delecta
cu aerul lui medieval.
atitea lucruri care mi-au placut trebuie sa fie si unul care nu mi-a placut.
Localnicii nu prea spre deloc vorbesc limba lui Shakespeare si atunci o conversatie cu acestia in engleza sau alte limbi de circulatie
internationala cum ar fi franceza sau
germana are mari sanse de esec.
ceea ce priveste posibilitatea de a ajunge in aceste locuri, orasul este destul
de usor de ajuns la el. Beneficiaza de port, aeroport, gara si sosele. In
perioada cind am fost eu se lucra si la constructia unei autostrazi, dar din
pacate in acest moment nu va pot da mai multe informatii. Preturile la cazare
variaza in functie de dorintele fiecaruia. Exista posibilitatea de a sta intr-o
pensiune sau intr-un hotel de 4*, oferta de cazare fiind destul de variata.
Mincarea este si ea destul de accesibila si in general gustoasa.
fiind spuse va las in compania unor poze si va recomand sa vizitati orasul daca
aveti posibilitatea.
In August
2012 on my way back from Sweden I thought to make a stop for half a day at
Gdansk in Poland. My thought was that the transition from norther civilization
to my native lands will not be quite so suddenly . Later when arriving in town I
found that the idea was quite good .
A little bit
of history does not hurt so : Gdansk is a city in northern Poland, Pomerania
residence and one of the largest ports in the country. Urban part of Gdańsk and
Tricity. From ethnographic , is considered the capital of Caşubiei. The town
lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Gdańsk, part of the Baltic Sea, on the
river estuaries of the rivers Vistula and its delta, Motława and Leniwka and
forms a conurbation with the municipality Sopot and Gdynia and suburban
municipalities. The city was first mentioned in history in the year 997. Also
the town is known for the political
movement " Solidarity" , which under the leadership of one of the
city's residents, Lech Wałęsa, was one of the causes of the fall of communism
in Central and Eastern Europe in 1989.
That all
about history, let s get back to bussines. I arrived in Gdansk around 13.00
when the ferry docked in port. We had a beautiful day up to that point . The accommodation
problem was solved relatively quickly before leaving Stockholm I set the GPS with
several hotels address in which I could have stayed. At the first one I wasent t
lucky, because no one was at the reception, but the second one wass perfect. We
got the apartment for the price of a regular double room. The only problem was
that the lock on the door worked a little difficult, which is why the price was
a bit low.
After setling
in and I ate something I went into the center of town. I must say that I liked
what I saw. A small and coyz town that place it s history on a very high place
of importance and where the communism did not doo too much damage . First of
all I was impressed by the cleanliness of the streets, even in the midle of the
celebration of the city day, the streets were short on cigaretts butts or
regular paper wraping., plastic bags and other things like that. Another thing
I liked was that the Poles preserved the old town architecture and more than
that most of the buildings were restored and bringing them into a state close
to that in which they were when they were built. Thanks to this, the town seems
to have traveled through history from his gloriuos days during the Hanseatic
League until now to delight us with its medieval air .
After so
many things that I liked there must be one thatI don t. The locals do not speak
at all the language of Shakespeare and a conversation with them in English or
other foreign languages such
as French or German is more likely to fail.
the ability to reach the city, is quite
easy to get there. It benefits from port, airport , railway and roads . During
the period when I was there a highway was
under construction , but unfortunately at this moment I can not give more
information. Accommodation prices vary depending on the desires of everyone .
It is possible to stay in a hostel or a 4* hotel accommodation offer is quite varied. The food
is also quite accessible and generally tasty.
That being
said I will leave in the company of pictures and will recommend to visit the
city if you can .
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