joi, 30 ianuarie 2014

Iarna in Bucuresti-Herastrau/Winter in Bucharest-Herastrau Park

Atentie postare in limba romana si engleza
Warning, post in romanian and english

Iarna in Herastrau

Dupa cum spouneam si aici:  iarna este anotimpul meu preferat. Imi place tot la el, frigul, vintul dar mai ales zapada. Chiar daca din acest sezon s-a dus mai mult de jumatate din el pina sa avem parte de ceva zapada, uite ca in sfirsit avem parte si de ea, dar in cantitati suficiente cit sa deregleze multe lucruri. Bineinteles ca nu postez aici pentru a ma plinge de drumuri blocate, localitati inzapezite sau alte lipsuri. Las aceste aspecte in seama unor oameni mult mai talentati decit mine a in a zugravi aceste lucruri.
          Cum in aceasta perioada nimic nu depaseste in frumusete un mers la munte prin zapada si cum momentan aceasta oportunitate pentru mine este scoasa din calcul, astazi vreau sa impartasesc cu voi citeva impresii de iarna din Parcul Herastrau. Marti seara dupa ce am iesit de la serviciu mi-am luat aparatul foto si m-am oprit in Herasrau pentru a admira capodoperele Generalului Iarna.
Am vazut ca aleile parcului erau curatate dar totusi parcul era pustiu. Pacat, iarna a facut din el o imensitate alba care abia asteapta sa fie vizitata. Copacii isi poarta cu mindrie hainele de omat care le dau un aspect imperial. Aleile se intind printre copaci lasindu-ti impresia ca esti printro padure si in curind incepi urcusul catre un varf de munte de unde sa vezi un oceam imaculat de zapada. Lacul inghetat da impresia unui patinoar in aer liber in asteptarea patinatorilor dar care pina la sosirea acestora isi trage un pic sufletul. Vintul adia usor printre crengile copacilor lasind impresia unei mici ninsori si totul in jur dadea impresia de calm si serenitate facindu-te sa uiti ca esti in mijlocul unei capitale.
Cam atit pentru acum, astazi dupa ce scap de la serviciu ma duc sa mai fac o tura de parc, poate ne vedem acolo. In final citeva poze, sper sa va placa.

Winter in Herastrau Park

As I said here: , winter is my favorite season . I like everything about it, the cold, the wind and especially the now. Even though more than half of this season has pass until we get some snow, finally we have some of it, but in enough quantities to disturb a lot of things. Of course I am not posting here to complain of blocked roads , snowy places or other shortcomings . I leave these issues for the people more gifted those matters.
Because in this moment nothing surpasses the beauty of going to a mountain in the snow and how this opportunity for me currently is ruled out, today I want to share with you some impressions about Herastrau Park in the winter . Tuesday night after I came home from work I took my camera and I turn off the Herastrau Park to admire the masterpieces of General Winter .
I saw the park alleys were cleaned but still the park was deserted . Too bad, the winter made ​​of it an immense white just waiting to be visited . Trees proudly wears there clothes of snow that give them a imperial look . Paths stretch through the trees made you think you're letting through a forest and soon you will start to climb to a peak from where you could  see a ocean of immaculate snow . The frozen lake gives the impression of an outdoor rink skating awaiting for the arrival of skaters and until then is catching it breath . The wind was blowing gently through the tree branches, easily leaving the impression of a little snow and everything else gave the impression of calm and serenity making you forget that you are in the middle of an city capital .
This is it for now, today after I finish work I'm going to do another tour of the park, maybe I'll see you there . Finally some pictures , hope you enjoy .

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