joi, 9 ianuarie 2014

Stockholm - capitala Scandinaviei/Stockholm - the capital of Scandinavia.

Atentie, postare in limba romana si engleza
Warning, post in romanian and english

          Salutare!! Anul trecut mi s-a mai indeplinit un vis pe care il aveam de multa vreme.Am ajuns cu babuta din dotare în „adevarata capitala a Peninsulei Scandinave” – Stockholm. Asezarea orasului este foarte interesanta, jumatate pe insulele din Lacul Malaren şi jumatate pe insulitele din Marea Baltica in estuarul format la varsarea in mare a lacului meritindu-se renumele de Venetia Nordului.
          Nu vreau sa va plictisesc cu istoria orasului, sunt suficiente surse pe internet care va pot spune mult mai multe lucruri decit mine, doar citeva lucruri totusi: din punct de vedere istoric orasul a fost pentru prima data atestat istoric inca din anul 1252, legenda spunând că a fost intemeiat de catre de Birger Jarl cu scopul de a proteja Suedia de invazia maritima a fortelor straine si pentru a impiedica jefuirea unor cetati ca Sigtuna pe lacul Mälaren.
Sa trecem la partea cu vizitatul:
In primul rand cind ajungeti la Stockholm primul drum pe care ar trebui sa-l faceti este la biroul de turism de unde sa achizitionati un permis/card care va permite transportul gratuit si accesul la majoritatea obiectivelor turistice. O sa constatati ca este foarte util si isi merita banii. Birou turism

De asemenea angajatii acestui birou sunt foarte amabili si va dau toate sfaturile de care aveti nevoie pentru un sejur foarte placut.
          Orasul este foarte bogat in atractii turistice avind peste 70 de muzee. Vasa, Nordiska Museet, Riddarhuset. Orasul in sine este muzeu in aer liber, mai ales zona centrului vechi – Gamla Stan, unde sunt concentrate o pare parte din obiectivele orasului: Palatul regal, ce a fost ridicat in secolul al 18-lea pe locul unui fost castel. In apropiere se gaseste si una dintre cele mai vechi cladiri din centrul vechi, Storkyrkan (Marea Biserica), şi Catedrala din Stockholm, ce a fost inaltata la inceputul secolului al XIV-lea. Eu am stat o saptamina in oras dar tot mi-au ramas foarte multe locuri nevizitate, cred ca cel mai bine ar fi daca puteti sa stai cel putin 2 saptamini pentru a avea o idee cit mai buna despre Stockholm.
          Un alt obiectiv pe care l-am vizitat a fost Rosendal Slot Palatul in sine nu ne-a dat pe spate, o casuta un un etaj, cu o arhitectuta conform timpului in care a fost construit, dar premiza de la care s-a plecat cind a cost ridicat a fost destul de interesanta. El era destinat ca locuita de vara pentru monarh, fiind alcatuit din bucati care in teorie puterau fi dezmembrate si palatul putea fi mutat in alta parte, dupa dorinta suveranului.
          Pe linga obiectivele turistice este recomandabil sa faceti o plimbare la pas prin stradutele inguste ale centrului vechie deoarece o sa aveti senzaţia unei scurte calatorii in timp in Stockholm din alte timpuri.
          Dupa aceasta plimbare mergeti la debarcader si luati un vaporas care sa va duca intr-un tur acvatic al orasului care sa va ajute la relaxarea picioarelor obosite.
          Un loc interesant de vazut este Riddarholme Church Ea de la inceput nu a fost proiectata ca o cladire/structura de sine statatoare, ci facuta din bucati. Astfel de fiecare data cind mai murea cineva de vaza din nobilimea/aristocratia/regalitatea Suedeze mai trinteau cite o bucata de biserica pe care o alipeau la „unitatea centrala” si gata aveam un fel de mausoleu pentru cei plecati la cele sfinte. 

          Ar mai fi si alte obiective de vizitat, dar cred ca mai bine va las pe voi sa mergeti pina acolo sa le vedeti cu ochii vostri.(Primaria, Kaknäs Tower  , Globe Arena, Kaknas Tower)

          Ca impresie generala pot spune ca suedezii au mentalitate de imperialisti, de cuceritori, chiar daca sunt majoritatea vorbitori de limba engleza cam peste tot inscrptiile sunt in limba seudeze, doar cele la care urmeaza sa-ti iasa ceva bani din buzunar sunt dublate de limba engleza.
           La suedezii se poate ajunge cu avionul aproape din orice aeroport mai important de pe acest mapamon, Aeroport cu trenul, cu masina si bine inteles cu vaporul.
          Cat priveste posibilitatile de cazare, orasul ofera o multitudine de oportunitati pentru turistii. Astfel avem de la hoteluri de 5* pana la traditionalele B&B(Bed&Breackfast). Eu am optat pentru cazarea la un B&B pe care l-am gasit aici: Cazare.
si am fost foarte multumit de aranjament. Camera curata, gazda amabila si un mic dejun foarte bun. Mic dejun pe care, in fiecare zi al sederii mele, l-am servit pe terasa intr-o ambianta relaxanta si reconfortanta.

          Cam asta este tot pentru moment.Va doresc o zi frumoasa.


Hello ! Last year, a dream that I had for a long time come to live.. Me and my old car visited "the real capital of Scandinavia " - Stockholm . The town is very interesting located, half on the islands of Lake Mälaren and the other half on the island of the Baltic Sea, on the estuary formed at the mouth of the big lake they, and the city deserved reputation as Venice of the North.
I do want to bore you with the history of the city, tehre are enough sources on the internet that can tell you a lot more than me, just a few things though: the city was first time mentioned since 1252. The legend says that was founded by Birger Jarl in order to protect Sweden from the sea invasion of foreign forces and to prevent looting of cities as Sigtuna on Lake Mälaren .
Let's get to the part about visiting :
When you arrived to  Kobenhavn the first destination you shoul go is the Tourist information Office to buy the CopenhagenCard which allows you to use for free the public transportation and access to all major tourist attractions. I found it to be very useful and worth the money.Traveling bureau.

The employees of this office are very friendly and happy to give you all the advice you need for a very pleasant stay.

The city is rich in tourist attractions having over 70 museums (Vasa, Nordiska Museet , Riddarhuset ). The city itself is a museum in the open air , especially the old town - Gamla Stan, where are all the major city attraction located: the Royal Palace , which was built in the 18th century on the site of a former castle. Nearby there one is the oldest buildings in the Old Town, Storkyrkan ( Great Church ) and Stockholm Cathedral, which was built at the beginning of the fourteenth century.
I stayed a week in the city but I still have many places left unvisited , I think the best way would be if you stay at least 2 weeks to get a better idea about Stockholm.
Another placel that I visited was Rosendal Slot. The palace itself is not breath taking but for the time it was build it was a master  piece. It is made from one floor with an architecture, according to the time it was built , but the ideea was that  the building could be dismantled and the palace could be moved elsewhere .
Besides sightseeing is advisable to take a walk on foot through the narrow streets of the old center because you will have a short time travel and you will have the feeling of traveling in time to the old Stockholm. After this walk go to the harbour and take a boat to take you on a tour of the city water that will help relax your tired feet.
An interesting place to see is the Riddarholme Church.  At the beginning it was not designed as a independent building. The structure was made ​​from pieces. So every time someone from the  nobility/royalty died a new part of the church was biuld.

Also there are a lot other things to see , but I think I better let you go up there to see them with your eyes . ( Hall , Kaknäs Tower  , Globe Arena, Kaknäs Tower).

As a general impression can say that Swedes have the mentality conquerors, even if most of them are English speakers  almost everywhere the inscription are in swedish language, only those places where tourist spend their money are written in English .

You can get there by plane from almost any airport more important on this world airport 

by train, by car and by boat with is very well understood since the danes are natural travler by sea.
As for accommodation possibilities, the city offers a wide range of sleeping opportunities for all tourists. There you have from 5 * hotels to traditional B & B (Bed & Breackfast). I choose to stay at a B & B which I found here: accomodation 

and I was very happy with the arrangement. Clean room, nice home and a good breakfast. Breakfast that every day of my stay, it was served on the terrace in a relaxed and refreshing soroundings.

That will be all for now, hope you like it and plan tu visit this city.


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